
Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Well, a lot has happen since May! Let's break it all dooooown:

My birthday- loads of fun! Being 32 is kinda amazing! :)

Oh yeah, then we decided we're moving to Portland, Or (and only had 3 weeks to do it)!!!
We had to find renters for our place in San Diego, pack all of our stuff, rent a truck, find a place in Portland and start a new job all in 3 WEEKS!!! It was crazy- but it worked and everything fell perfectly into place!


Moving it or lose it-

It's kinda amazingly gorgeous around here- and the temperature is kind of like San Diego! For now anyway...

Then we had our 10 year wedding anniversary! 10 YEARS!- Crazy how time just flies by!

We finally managed to get situated and unpacked, etc... and I was SO STOKED to set up my new sewing loft. It's pretty lonely since I haven't had much time to sew. I've only managed to complete a pillow top and a baby quilt. I have a loooooooooooong list of things I want to whip up, but the day just gets away from me. Hoping to make some time this weekend to catch up on bee blocks!

It's pretty hard being in a completely new place not knowing anyone- and to be honest, I'm a shy person! I was super excited to hear about the Portland Modern Quilt Guild Meet Up and couldn't wait to meet other people who share this crazy passion for sewing/quilting! I met some awesome awesome peeps and had LOADS of fun!

I even got to take a quick paper piece class and completed this pretty feather.

Well-that's where I've been in a nutshell- pretty crazy couple months, but I finally feel situated. I miss my friends and family dearly, and get pretty down sometimes- but a little sewing cheers me back up again! :)

1 comment:

  1. Cool feather..... We loved it up in Portland when we got to visit, I think you will too..... Congrat. On number 10..... Enjoy the guild up there....
    FYI - absolutely love that pillow, makes me want to make one just like it.....
